Wednesday, 24 Apr, 2024
Wednesday, 24 Apr, 2024
The Daily Post

Metro Chamber recommends increase in direct taxes

Staff Reporter

Metro Chamber recommends increase in direct taxes

In order to achieve the status of a developed country from a developing country, direct taxes should be increased by reducing the dependence on indirect taxes. This will increase the tax base and tax-TO-GDP ratio. Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) and Dhaka‍‍`s Tax Zone-15 jointly organized a discussion on behalf of the organization. Commissioner of Tax Zone-15 AKM Hasanuzzaman said that the distance between the tax authorities and the taxpayers will be reduced through such an arrangement.

MCCI President Saiful Islam said that online and automation systems should be utilized to collect taxes. So that in addition to increasing tax collection, both the cost and time of business are reduced. Barrister Nihad Kabir, former president of MCCI, said that the rule of submitting tax deduction certificates at source, and proof of filing income tax returns should be made easier. Joint Commissioner Wakil Ahmed said tax at source is the main source of revenue. E-TDS is playing an important role in this regard.