# Brinjal is being sold at Tk 120 per kg
# Papaya known to be cheap is now Tk 80
# Sonali chicken price increased to Tk 420
# Fish, including fruits also hit prices high
There are no signs of relief in the market. Prices of most products including fish and meat, eggs, vegetables and spices are high.
The price of one kg of brinjal is now being sold at Tk 100 to 120. The price of Kankrol-Borboti is also the same. Even a kg of papaya known to be cheap is now Tk 80.
After visiting different grocery markets yesterday, it was found that price of egg, chicken, and fish increased compared to the previous week.
Potal and deros are being sold between Tk 60 to 80 depending on the quality. Besides, the price of other vegetables is higher than this. Carrot-cucumber and tomato are also being sold at Tk 80 to 100 per kg. And the price of green chillies has increased by Tk 40 to 160 per kg.
A vegetable seller Jabbar Ali of New Market said that the price of all vegetables is high. During the last week, many vegetables in the fields were destroyed due to intense heat which is affecting the market.
Meanwhile, amid extreme heatwave, the prices of egg and chicken shot up across the country. Farm egg price jumped by Tk 20 per dozen and selling a dozen at Tk 150 in the capital. Egg of domestic rearing hen is selling at Tk 75 to 80 per hali and duck egg was selling at Tk 70 to 75 per hali.
Meanwhile, the price of onion in the market has seen a new increase. It is selling at Tk 70 to 75 per kg, which is Tk 5 more than before. Besides, ginger-garlic is not available below Tk 220.
The prices of broiler chicken and Pakistani-origin Sonali chicken have increased by Tk10-20 per kg compared to the last two weeks. The boiler chicken was selling at Tk 220 to 235 per kg based on size and quality. Apart from this, the price of Sonali chicken has also increased and is being sold at Tk 345 to 370 per kg based on size and quality. In the same way, cock is being sold at Tk 370 to 390 per kg, layer chicken at Tk 300 to 350 per kg, and domestic chicken at Tk 670 to 765 per kg.
Besides, the price of fish has increased. Buyers are struggling to buy fish. The fish of the river and haor have long gone beyond the affordability of the common man. Farmed fish is now being sold at a very high price.
Hilsha weighing about 450 gram was selling at Tk 650 per kg while Hilsha weighing 1kg plus were selling at Tk 1,800 to 2,000 per kg. Hilsha weighing 700 to 800 grams were selling at Tk 900 to 1,000 per piece.
Besides, Puti and small fishes were selling at Tk 300 to 550 per kg, cultivated koi was selling at Tk 230 to 300 per kg, Rupchada at Tk1,200 per kg, boal was selling between Tk 600 to 1,200 per kg, Coral Fish at Tk 550 to 700 per kg, river Pangas at Tk 700 per kg, cultivated Pangas at Tk 200 per kg, Tilapia at Tk 220 per kg, Ruhit at Tk 350 to 550 per kg, medium size katol at Tk 250 to 300 per kg, big size katol at Tk 400 to 500 per kg, Shing at Tk 500 to 800 per kg, barbel at Tk 600 to 700 per kg, lobster at Tk 900 to 1,100 per kg, and shrimp at Tk 500 to 600 per kg.
Tuhin, a vendor at the Malibagh fish market, said that each fish has increased by Tk 50 to 100 per kg compared to a month ago. This has reduced our sales. Doing business has become difficult. There is no fish. What I get is a high price. Buyers are not taking it.
On the other hand, beef was selling between Tk 750 to 780 per kg based on quality, and saw a rise of price by Tk 30 per kg than other days of the week. Mutton and goat meat was selling at Tk 1,000 to 1,180 per kg based on quality, which saw an increase of Tk 50 per kg.
Apart from vegetables and other grocery items, the prices of watermelon increased slightly as the season of this fruit was selling at Tk 120 to 350 per piece based on size, while pineapple was selling at Tk 30 to 45 per piece. Guava was selling at Tk 50 to 80 per kg, Papaya at Tk 100 to 160 per kg. Apple, Malta, orange, and pear were sold between Tk 260 to 340 per kg in the capital.