Saturday, 27 Jul, 2024
Saturday, 27 Jul, 2024
The Daily Post
Disobedience in Upazila Polls

BNP in action, flexible AL

Sayed Saiful Islam

BNP in action, flexible AL

# BNP expels 76 leaders contesting polls

# AL is silent against the relatives of ministers and MPs



The two major political parties of the country, Awami League (AL) and Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), have taken important decisions regarding the upazila parishad election.

The ruling party AL decided in the party forum that the family members and close relatives of the ministers and MPs should not be allowed to participate in the election. According to the decision, the concerned ministers and MPs were called and asked by the party to remove family members or relatives from the election, but the ministers and MPs did not follow the instructions.

On the contrary, the concerned ministers and MPs presented various explanations in favor of having candidates in their own way. AL General Secretary Obaidul Quader warned that strict organizational action will be taken against the candidates if they do not follow the party's directives.

On the other hand, BNP also took a decision regarding the upazila election. When the rumor was heard that BNP may go to the upazila election, the party said in a press conference that BNP would not participate in the upazila parishad elections. And the party, which has been out of power for a long time, decided to take organizational action against those who will participate in the election disobeying the party's instructions.

The party has already started implementing the decision of the policy-making forum. BNP has expelled at least 76 candidates who participated in the upazila parishad election defying the party's decision. Political analysts see the BNP's expulsion order as an immediate action.

BNP senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi said in a statement on April 27 that the party has expelled three more leaders from the party and its front organizations for participating in the first phase of upazila parishad election. The expelled leader is Abdul Hamid, a member of Haluaghat upazila BNP of Mymensingh North district. Golam Mostafa (Sonahar) is the vice-chairman candidate of Sreebardi upazila of Sherpur. He was the president of Municipal Ward No. 2 BNP. Another is Mongsuyu Chowdhury, BNP adviser to Kaukhali upazila in Rangamati district of Chattogram division. He is contesting for the post of upazila chairman.

Earlier on Friday, the party expelled 73 people. The BNP high command has taken this strong position to keep the organizational discipline intact. BNP will take the same position against those who will disobey the party decision in the future. The party feels that there is no exemption for him if he goes beyond discipline.

It was the decision of the BNP high command not to participate in the election, but the BNP high command took action against those leaders who took part in the election. But the decision to remove the relatives and family members of the party ministers and MPs from the contest in this upazila parishad election could not be implemented even a quarter of it.

Although the AL has announced to take strict action against those concerned if the party does not implement the directive, it is showing laxity in implementing the announcement. Journalists wanted to know the next course of action after the relatives of the ministers and MPs did not leave the voting field on the last day of withdrawal of candidacy in the first phase. AL General Secretary Obaidul Quader hinted at waiting until the voting day. Party leaders believed that these relatives are unlikely to withdraw from the vote at the last moment.